Volunteers are needed to help meet the crisis needs of people who need food. YCC volunteers are compassionate responders who assist individuals in need without judgment while at the same time maintaining personal dignity. Volunteers are required to help process the food from food drives that happen weekly, monthly, or annually. Food items must be organized, sorted, and monitored to maintain a healthy food distribution environment. Volunteerism comes from the heart to meet a variety of needs. Sometimes, those needs are not even evident until a volunteer with a fresh perspective sees how they can help fill a void with the skill and enthusiasm they can bring. Many minds make it meaningful, and many hands make the work light.

Become a Fundraiser
Contact YCC to brainstorm ways in which you can create a fun and exciting food drive, fun run, or neighborhood event to help raise food, meals, or money for the Yankton Contact Center. What an excellent opportunity to involve your children and teach them early what it means to give more than they receive. Leadership and collaboration are learned at an early age. This is an excellent team-building opportunity as well. Gather your employees and create a fundraising event to benefit the Yankton Contact Center. Hey – how about ringing the bell beside a red kettle during Christmas! We are the local arm of the Salvation Army and benefit from every cent contributed during the holiday season.

Corporate, Association and Individual Giving
Think about it – we are all blessed beyond measure. We have so much, and there are others who suffer shortages we may not even be aware of and would be surprised to know. Shortages of healthy food, medicines, and money to pay for utilities or rent exist in our neighborhoods. It is hard to believe that Yankton’s poverty level is growing faster than in several other counties in South Dakota. It is hard to understand that the rising housing costs for people living in Yankton must take priority over their ability to buy good food, gas for transportation, or medical expenses. The Yankton Contact Center serves so many people who arrive in town with very little. We give them what we can to provide the food and basic needs to overcome the crisis they face. Please Donate Now.