Yankton Contact Center Company Culture
The Yankton Contact Center’s vision is to provide a hand-up to those in need throughout the greater Yankton area. We are dedicated to meeting the emergency needs of all people in the Yankton area who are experiencing a crisis. This is done through three core areas: Feeding People, Nourishing Lives, and Connecting Community.
When working at the Yankton Contact Center, you will see strong values demonstrated every day as we believe in Inclusion, Collaboration, Outreach, and Abundance.
We believe in a cohesive culture where we trust each other, and the expressed needs of our clients. We are an ambitious group who are proud to be part of a 50-year history and look forward to meeting the expanding needs of Yankton for the next 50 years. We have a passion for serving and remain long-tenured and loyal to the purpose and mission of the Yankton Contact Center in our community.
If you join the Yankton Contact Center, come with an attitude of:
Inclusion: Part of what makes Yankton great is the desire to embrace citizens of every culture. We serve everyone with dignity and respect. As well we realize the need to include all voices of the non-profit arena in Yankton as the demand for more social services emerges, and we are challenged to find innovative solutions to serve the diverse citizens of our community.
Collaboration: We are dedicated and passionate about our work, yet we continually seek to invite other organizations to come together to accomplish what is necessary for the greater good of the entire Yankton community. This may mean sharing what is in our pantry with other organizations that are also established to meet hunger insecurities. Alone we are smart, but together, we are brilliant.
Outreach: Our future is bright with ideas on how to expand our hours to allow for more people in crisis to come to or call the Yankton Contact Center when they need us. In addition, we challenge our thinking to improve our current processes to improve our work in the community. This will take passion, efficiency, and effectiveness, and we work each day with our energy focused on these areas. We also seek to speak at any group event to share our message in the community.
Abundance: Having a mindset of Abundance is about thinking big, focusing on opportunities, taking risks, and betting on the passion and purpose of the Yankton Contact Center. It is not thinking and acting with scarcity that causes people to hold tight onto what they have at this moment in time, focus attention and efforts with tunnel vision – lacking creativity, thinking small, and not sharing with a spirit of generosity.